
  • Save the Wheatsheaf... every little helps

    Tooting & Furzedown residents are up in arms about Tesco trying to take over The Wheatsheaf - one of the best pubs in the area! A twitter and facebook campaign is growing and there is a petition on with over 1400 signatures in the last

  • Heathrow can not be expanded and we must look east

    This week has seen the release of two major submissions to the Davies Commission on airport expansion. Howard Davies will ultimately have to choose between expanding Heathrow Airport or creating a new hub airport to the east of London. Britain

  • 20mph is unworkable

    The Mayor’s Roads Task Force report is filled with exciting ideas but trying to direct a London-wide 20mph speed limit is simply unworkable. A more effective approach to improving road safety would be to allow specific local areas - where