Members of the public can have their say over the proposed closure of Clapham Fire Station.

This follows the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, instructing the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) to begin a public consultation on the proposed plan.

The LFEPA is launching a public consultation on its Draft Fifth London Safety Plan that will run until the 28th May which will take into account responses to the consultation before making a final decision.

Clapham is one of the 12 fire stations currently planned to close under the plan.

Ron Dobson, commissioner of the London Fire Brigade, believes it would be possible to make these changes without making any firefighters compulsorily redundant.

Mr Dobson said: "Compared to ten years ago, the Brigade attends half as many fires, a third fewer house fires and almost a third fewer incidents overall. But there is always more to be done.

"We have passed the point where we can make the necessary level of savings without any impact on our fire stations."