Miss. PamelaYoung, Hotham Primary School Head, along with Staff, Parents, and Students joined the Race for the Cure last Sunday at Hyde Park.

Team Hot Hams had a conservative goal of £2000. In the past, Hot Sunday Morning, rised to the challenge and exceeded their goal reaching over £3140.

Everyone showed up in beautiful shades of pink, filled with an enormous sense of camaderie, and ready for running or walking the 5k. Children and adults alike warmed up to catchy songs, celebrated the ones for whom we joined such a magnificent cause, and give it all regardless of the heat.

The Hot Hams brought pride and joy to a School that resists to surrender hope in this time of economic troubles.

The Hotham School Family and the Putney Community at large celebrate such a beautiful achievement!

Based on information supplied by Maria Laura Garzón.