A meal with friends turned into a horror story for one diner, who found a large piece of glass in the middle of her burger.

Lauren Lunn Farrow, 29, went out for lunch to the Merchant in Battersea, at about 2pm on Sunday.

She ordered a chicken burger and when she cut it in half, she found a large piece of glass nestled between the chicken and the salad.

Wandsworth Times:

Miss Lunn Farrow, who works in PR and is from Beechcroft Road, said: "I was not expecting it.

"I spoke to a manager who said he would be comping our food, to which I replied I would never have been paying for it, and he said they would give me free drinks.

"I just wanted to leave, it was not a pleasurable experience.

"It was at least double the size as the picture shows."

Miss Lunn Farrow said she had been told there would be an investigation at the pub in Battersea Rise, but had not heard any further information.

She said: "The whole thing has been handled appallingly.

"I am still waiting to hear back from them.

"Someone said they would keep my updated but I have not heard from them.

"There were two things I asked for, confirmation that the kitchen closed for the investigation and that they still had the burger and the glass as that is evidence.

"They would not let me take that with me."

Miss Lunn Farrow said the huge chunk of glass looked like a piece of a bottle, but the manager had said it was not even a type of glass they would have in the restaurant.

She said: "The glass was literally in the middle, almost like it was a layer.

"It had sauce put on top of it and a salad.

"It is really scary.

"If I had not cut that burger open, I do not know what would have happened."

Miss Lunn Farrow said the restaurant was full of families at the time, with televised sport attracting customers and she was concerned it could have happened to anyone else.

She said: "Offering me a few free drinks does not solve the issue.

"The issue is they are running a highly dangerous and unhygienic kitchen."

The Metropolitan Pub Company has been contacted for comment, but previously told a national newspaper there would be a full investigation.

A spokesman told the paper: "Food safety is our top priority and we apologise unreservedly for this completely unacceptable and isolated lapse in our usually very high standards.

"We launched a full investigation into how this could have happened.

"We have already taken appropriate action to ensure something like this never happens again."