The new MP for Tooting has sworn in today in the House of Commons.

Rosena Allin-Khan took the parliamentary oath in front of a packed house as MPs took a quick break from discussing defence and the EU referendum result.

In her oath she stated: "I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God."

Her swearing in comes as her party's front bench is in turmoil, with even the Prime Minister joking that she could be a shadow minister by the end of the day.

Several front bench Labour members have resigned from the shadow cabinet since the EU Referendum result. 

A planned photocall for Dr Allin-Khan ahead of her swearing in was cancelled, with rumours circulating that MPs would boycott it as party leader Jeremy Corbyn would be there.

It is not yet known when Dr Allin-Khan will make her maiden speech.