A musical roller skating disco is expected to pull in the crowds at Battersea Power Station this Easter.

The venue will host a range of free family activities including an Easter Egg Hunt in the recently opened Village Hall.

Activities will run from Friday, March 30 until Sunday, April 15.

Colourful eggs will be hidden in secret locations, with children encouraged to explore the recently developed area for Easter Egg Hunt across the Riverwalk at Circus West Village from Friday, March 30 until Sunday, April 2.

Other events include a giant-sized construction game under Grosvenor Bridge, Grosvenor Road allowing kids to play, interact and get creative as they build ships, castles, and dinosaurs using large foam shapes. There are also free creative workshops include Easter Pom Pom Fun workshops for children to make Easter chicks or sheep with classes every hour from 10am till 4pm, on March 30 and 31. And an opportunity to make an Easter bonnet with all the trimmings, running on April 1 and 2, with classes every hour from 10am till 4pm.

Rob Tincknell, CEO of Battersea Power Station Development Company, said “Battersea Power Station is the place to be this Easter, with fun events, activities and workshops for the children”.

The roller skating disco in the Village Hall, is free to attend, with skate hire £2.

For further information on Battersea Power Station events this Easter visit Batterseapowerstation.co.uk/Easter