Those who are regular readers of this blog will know that I'm quite keen on photography. Whether I have any actual talent or not remains to be seen, but nevertheless, I enjoy myself.

But I've always thought what lets me down is my total incompetence when it comes to Photoshop. While I like my photos to be mostly naturalistic, and not distort them beyond recognition, I've always wished I had more than my very, very rudimentary knowledge when it comes to tarting them up a bit.

One effect I think can work really well sometimes is when, in a black and white picture, some part of it is picked out in colour. But before yesterday I had no idea how to do it. Thanks to Col (of Col's Blog fame), and a quick tutorial in Photoshop for Dummies, I have now fully got the hang of this little trick. Woohoo!

Or maybe not .... seeing as I have now become utterly addicted to trawling through pictures I've taken and subjecting them to the Photoshop treatment.