Staff at St George’s Hospital began 2011 by protesting against the Government’s planned NHS reforms.

Nursing and NHS professionals at the Tooting hospital chose their lunchbreak last week to carry out their demonstration and question whether the cuts truly reflected efficiency savings.

Unison nursing staff also signalled that they will not hesitate to speak out against Government plans for massive cuts and privatisation of the NHS.

Michael Walker, Unison regional officer, said: “Unison will not sit ideally by and watch our NHS services slashed and privatised. Britain did not vote for the introduction of an American health care system, a system which is not comprehensive, bureaucratic, expensive and where increased competition not collaboration costs patients lives.”

Jane Pilgrim, Unison nursing convener at St George's said: “More than 100 nurses at St George’s Hospital have already signalled they will be joining the TUC rally to defend public services on March 26 in central London, and we are receiving incredible support from the local community.”

A spokeswoman for hospital managers, St George’s NHS Trust, said: “Members of trust staff who have chosen to exercise their democratic right and take part in Unison organised demonstrations are doing so in their own time.”

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