I want to thank all 620 people who voted for me in Tooting on 22nd May.

I regret I did not get chance to meet as many of you as I'd liked to have done. I was unable to get literature to everyone's homes due to being the sole leafletter from the Green Party in the Graveney ward.

I stood as candidate for the first time. I am not politically ambitious for myself and never thought the day would come when I would stand.

However I was receiving literature from the other parties and very little of what they spoke about seemed to be new, relevant or inspirational.

I recently left the Labour Party as like all the other parties I felt that they do represent me anymore.

Too many politicians seem not to have had any real experience of living as an everyday worker in London. Too many Labour supporters settle for supporting Labour because they want to keep the Conservatives out of office, yet do not really feel Labour stands for them anymore. So i stood for the Green Party.

We were the Party that the mass media largely ignored in the local and European election campaigns. I think this is more evidence that we Greens are the Party that the establishment worry about most. If not, why do the media struggle to give us a fair hearing?

The campaign highlighted to me just how much politicians have their own agenda and care little for the lives of the real workers in London. Hence why so many voters stayed at home and did not vote at all.

So much has been written in the local & national media regarding pollution levels in the UK. This is a particularly grave issue in Wandsworth were pollution is higher than the national average, a silent killer affecting many people and contributing to the death of several people year on year. We Greens were the main party that raised this as an election issue in the campaign, and the leaflets from other parties i received never mentioned the issue at all; this saddens me.

I will continue to campaign as i believe in a better, safer & cleaner UK, London and Wandsworth to ensure the planet we leave to our children is healthy planet. If you feel the way i do; get involved. We'll only ever change things for the better if we all make a stand in some way.

Neil Partridge, via email

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