The community bookshop campaign, Northcote Books, will be at the Northcote Road fete on Sunday 7 July from 1100 to 1700, outside the library, with their first author event. Parents are invited to come and meet some of the household names whose books their children and teenagers read – million-selling children’s writer Caroline Lawrence, Sophia Bennett, Samantha Hepburn, and Seth Hunter. They will all be there in person to sign books and chat, along with award-winning Marion Molteno, environmental economist Paul Ekins and expert on the Edwardian house Richard Lawrence.

Northcote Books has just been awarded £ 4,200 by the Big Society Fund, and will be issuing shares in their bookshop later in the year, to enable them to open and create a literary and community hub at the heart of the Northcote Rd area.

Based on information supplied by Viv Taylor Gee.