We are running profiles on News Shopper Camera Club members to share some of their favourite images and their tips.

This week the focus is on Jane Gash, 64, who lives in Thamesmead.

If you're inspired by Jane and want to get involved, you can request to join the News Shopper Camera Club on Facebook

Who or what inspired you to take up photography?

It is great to be able to look back on great memories which I think is what first started me in doing it. My first camera was an old Brownie which my mum and dad gave me for my birthday when I was very young, around aged 14 I guess.

How long have you been taking pictures for?

I’m 64 now so I have been doing them since I was a teenager, but I have tried to do it a bit more seriously for about the last 20 years.

What is your specialty or what you do enjoy photographing the most, and why?

I love taking pictures of anything but my favourites are animals and plants, trees and scenery, especially dogs. I like the challenge of trying to capture the ultimate picture which is very hard where animals are involved.

Are you trying to express yourself or make a point with your photography, or is it just for fun?         

Mainly just for fun but I guess in some ways I like to prove I can be as good as anyone else.

News Shopper: Jane Gash's favourite photo

What’s the story behind your favourite photo?      

I think this must have been a fluke but I am very pleased with the way it turned out and very proud of it. It is my son’s dog called Ben.

What equipment do you use?

My main camera is a Nikon D3200 with an extra big lens (Tamron) for macro etc. My second camera is a Nikon Coolpix P600. My third one is a Panasonic DMZ-TZ1 which is the one I took a picture of my favourite on.

What post-production treatment do you give your photos i.e Do you use any software?

I use no software and all pictures that I take are of the genuine article.

Do you have any advice for budding photographers?   

Yes, never give up with your camera and keep trying as you will get better and better.

Is there anything you’ve not photographed yet which you’d love to capture one day?   

I would love to try and take a photo of moving traffic at night where you get the red lines showing and also a good picture of a close-up of a bird in flight as mine don’t come out too well, or anything that is moving in fact.