Residents are being encouraged to visit Richmond's Winter Warmth online page for helpful tips and links to support services.

The online information hub also has information which details how residents can apply for heating grants, apply for the warm home discount scheme as well as being able to book home visits and assessments.

Shannon Katiyo, the Interim Director of Public Health for Richmond and Wandsworth Councils, said: “Eligible households should use the help and services available to them through the Council’s website to make sure heating bills don’t become a struggle this winter.

“Living in a cold home can result in illness, especially for groups of people more vulnerable to cold weather, so be prepared and take action to keep yourself, your family and your home warm and healthy.”

People with existing health conditions such as heart, circulation, kidney or lung problems, diabetes, arthritis, depression and anxiety are especially vulnerable to the cold weather and are at risk.

However, people who have a long-term health condition or disability, children, those who are pregnant and those aged 65 or over, people living with dementia or who are on a low income, will also be at risk of developing ill health or death if steps are not taken to reduce the risks from the cold weather.

The Wandsworth and Richmond Assessment Point (WRAP) is a free council one-stop support service for vulnerable residents to help them stay warm for less.

Advisors from Wandsworth and Richmond Assessment Point (WRAP) will visit homes to offer:

• Impartial advice on how to understand fuel bills, access tariff discounts, and how to use heating systems efficiently.

• Support for households to apply for heating and insulation grants and help them access discounts on water rates where eligible.

• Installation of free energy and water saving measures to save money and help residents stay safe and warm, including a carbon monoxide detector, LED bulbs and radiator reflector panels

• Signposting and referrals to helpful local support services including health and wellbeing services such as talking therapies, lunch clubs and free smoke alarms and advice from the London fire brigade.

More information and advice can be found on the Winter Warmth page that can be found on the Richmond Council website.