A school boy from Wandsworth has won the England Boxing Schools Championship – as his brother made the final as well.

Winner Humza Malik, 13, competed in the London region boxing competition before winning the London final.

He then went onto fight in the semi-final England Boxing Schools competition in Newcastle on Saturday, September 25 and won his way through to the next round.

The following day, Humza, of Graveney School, beat another boy who had “not lost 10 fights” according to Humza’s dad Bobby.

He added that his other son Adam, 14, had to “fight three times in the space of a week” to achieve his London final placing.

Bobby told the Wandsworth Guardian: “Humza has only had three fights before entering the competition so then going on to win is a great achievement from just a local south London boy.

“Both boys have worked so hard and it’s their first time entering the tournaments so they really have done well”.

The boys practise boxing at the Repton Boxing Club in Bethnal.