A BID to divide a huge Halesowen building into three retail units has been submitted to council planners.

Developer JLE Ventures had already been granted permission to demolish the "distinctive" former House and Haven showroom on the corner of Mucklow Hill and Long Lane, but the firm's bid to build the Asda and Starbucks in its place, was thrown out last November.

Now the building could be set to stay as JLE Ventures has applied for permission to divide it into three shops on the lower floor, with an ancillary area on the first floor.

The application for a lawful development certificate "for the proposed sub-division of existing retail" at the site in the Halesowen North ward was registered with Dudley Council on April 23.

It does not state what the shops would be or give any further details.

Halesowen News: How the building would look How the building would look (Image: Pinnegar Hayward Design)

One hundred and forty-six letters of objection were received to the proposal to demolish the former showroom and build the Asda and Starbucks on the land last year.

Concerns were raised over neighbours being affected by noise, light and air pollution and that there were worries about cars exiting onto the busy road.

Halesowen News: The proposed ground floor layoutThe proposed ground floor layout (Image: Pinnegar Hayward Design)

Planners said at the time that the proposed Asda and Starbucks would "result in the loss of the traditional brick-built landmark building that forms a non-designated heritage asset within the Borough."

They added: "The building has been recognised on the Historic Environment Record as a 1950's purpose built garage that forms a very distinctive corner building of architectural merit."

They went on to say the replacement development should "reinforce and enhance the unique character and distinctiveness of the area" and that the proposed Asda and Starbucks are of "limited architectural merit" and "have little regard to the existing building in terms of its scale, siting, appearance and materials."