A Metropolitan Police officer quit in disgrace after he was accused of cyber flashing a colleague and sending sexual notes to train passengers. 

PC Luke Stokes was arrested close to midnight on April 9, 2022, after reports that sexual messages were sent via AirDrop to passengers on the C2C line.

The notes said “Hi fancy nice cock”, “bonjour” and “anyone of cock”. 

When he was arrested he is alleged to have reset his phone to destroy the evidence. 

A file was passed to the Crown Prosecution Service but PC Stokes did not face criminal charges over the incident.

“The CPS determined that it did not meet the threshold to bring a prosecution and no further criminal action would be taken," a Met Police spokesperson said.

One of his colleagues then came forward to say she had been sent an unwanted sexual image by PC Stokes two years earlier. 

Believing he was about to send her a “dick pic”, his colleague said “please don’t send me a picture”. 

However, despite her protestations PC Stokes did send a photo. 

In April the misconduct panel found the allegations against PC Stokes proven.

It was decided that he would have been dismissed if he had not already resigned in March. 

Chief Superintendent Joseph McDonald, of the Met's Public Order Planning team, said: “It is quite clear that this former officer’s actions fell way below the standard rightly expected of a police officer. 

“Not only did he send sexual messages to strangers, he tried to cover his tracks and then lie about it to fellow officers. There is no place in the Met for people who think such behaviour is acceptable.”